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Frequently Asked Questions
What time does the race start?The race starts and ends at Carousel Pavilion on City Island. Walkers will start at 8:15am. Runners start at 9am.
Can I pick up my race packet early?Yes. Race Packets, including shirts and bib numbers, can be picked up at these locations on the following dates: Fleet Feet Mechanicsburg - 6416 Carlisle Pike #700, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Thursday, April 3 from 12-6pm Friday, April 4 from 12-6pm
Are there awards?$100 cash prize money first male/female finishers; $50 gift certificates to first Masters male/female finishers. Awards will be given in 5-year age groups through age 65 & up. (No duplicate awards will be given with the exception of team participants.) In the CAPITAL 10-MILER, the top three teams (4+runners) will also receive prizes!
Are there showers available?There are no showers available at this time.
Are there provisions for team participation this year?Yes, this year we are again offering registration on teams. Teams can be made up of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 team members. The times of the first 5 team finishers will determine team place. Several options for creating a team and joining a team are available through the online application.
Are there any hotels near the start/finish?Yes! Local Accommodations include Hilton Harrisburg, 1 N. 2nd St. (717-233-6000), Crowne Plaza, 23 S. 2nd St. (717-234-5021), or Comfort Inn Riverfront, 525 S. Front St. (717-233-1611) – all located within .5 miles to a mile from City Island.
May I race with my pet or stroller?No pets or wheeled devices, please.
May I transfer my registration to another runner if I am unable to run the race?Yes, but transfers can be done only online before the cutoff date. There will be a $10 fee.
What organizations does this race support?The Capital 10-Miler benefits participating 501(c)(3) arts organizations listed here. To make a tax-deductible donation or to run or walk on behalf of an organization, proceed to a donation link here and select either “Become a Fundraiser” or “Donate”. Open Stage admisters the race.
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